Paraphrasing Tool FAQs
- How do I use the paraphraser?
- What are modes and how do I use them?
- Which mode is best in QuillBot?
- What is the Synonyms tool?
- What is the drop-down thesaurus?
- What do the colors on my results mean?
Plagiarism Checker
- How does QuillBot use the content that is uploaded to the Plagiarism Checker?
- Will the plagiarism checker allow me to scan non english text?
- Do I need a Premium account to use Plagiarism Checker?
- What types of files can I upload?
- How can I see how many words I’ve used?
- Can I buy more words?
QuillBot Flow
- What is QuillBot Flow?
- Is QuillBot Flow like Grammarly? Like a writing assistant?
- Does QuillBot Flow replace the other tools?
- Is QuillBot Flow available for free?
- Can I import my existing documents/PDFs into QuillBot Flow?
- How do I paraphrase in QuillBot Flow?
Citation Generator
- What is a list of citations called?
- Are bibliographies, reference pages, and works cited pages all the same thing?
- How can I make sure my citations are formatted correctly?
- What is a citation?
- What are the most popular citation styles?
- Are citations, references, and bibliographies all the same thing?
Installing Extensions
General Chrome Extension FAQs
- How to fix all grammatical errors with one click in the browser extension?
- Do I need to be signed in to QuillBot to be able to use the QuillBot for Chrome Extension?
- Does the QuillBot for Chrome Extension work on Google Docs?
- How do I change the QuillBot Extension settings on Google Chrome?
- Why is the QuillBot for Chrome Extension not showing up on a website that I work on?
- I don't have any other extensions installed, but QuillBot is still not working. What should I do?